Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Planimetric Map

Here is a planimetric map which can be seen as only the horizontal positions of features are displayed, without regard to elevation.  This differs from a topographic map which indicates both horizontal and vertical positions.

In this example, we are examining Iraq.  It shows us international boundaries, major cities, transportation routes (including roads and railroads), air fields, water boundaries and oil refineries.

Topographic Map

McGraw-Hill Science & Technology Dictionary defines a topographic map as being large-scale in size showing relief and man-made features of a portion of a land surface distinguished by portrayal of position, relation, size, shape and elevation of the features.

Here, we can see an example of this as shown by a topographic view of the state of Florida.  As you can see by the full state being visible, there is a large area to cover in regards to dimension and depth being examined in the bottom left corner of the image.

Thematic Map

A thematic map is one that displays the special distribution of an attribute that relates to a single topic, theme or subject of discourse.  Highlighting or employing different colors and patterns is a common defining factor.  These maps can also be used to display geographical concepts such as density, distribution, relative magnitudes etc.

In this example, we are observing the lower 48 states by range to see in detail what activities are wanted the most.  The shading begins light and increases in color towards a deeper red signifying more businesses.

Cadastral Map

Cadastral maps are common land administrative tools which are used by a broad range of people, public and professional.  It remains a great form of mapping because it shows all of the land parcels in relation to one another and adjoining roads.

As ancient as this may be, it is a wonderful tool as exemplified in this map of Australia.  Many cadastral maps consist of smaller cadastral plans as shown in this picture.  The red circle shows one specific plan that was included.


The Public Land Survey System (PLSS) is the surveying method used historically over the largest fraction of the country to survey and spatially identify land parcels before designation of eventual ownership, particularly for rural, wild or undeveloped land.

In the picture above, we observe a small portion of Minnesota on a 1:100,000 scale quadrangle.  County, district and zoning rights are specifically established.

Hypsometric Map

A hypsometric map is a tool in topographic surveying which gives elevations by use of contours, shading, tinting or batching.  In this ma of the world, we are examining environmental zones through use of cross blending techniques.  Unique tinting variations allows for the transition that occurs when entering a new boundary.

Propaganda Map

A propaganda map is the creation of false maps with the goal of achieving a result similar to traditional propaganda.  These are generally flat surfaces.  In the example above, we see a parody of the inner workings of what one would argue is the Republican mindset.  This is a method of propaganda because it is not an accurate view of the mind of Ronald Reagen, but rather what liberals view of him is.